Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sept. 21 - On the way to Maligne

We should've left earlier for this destination.  And we should've signed up for the Maligne Lake boat tour.  But at least we got out there to see.  And going when we did, we got some special treats...

 A traffic jam provided a great photo op.  Unfortunately, I couldn't just jump out and get the best shot, which drove me WILD!!!!!  The light was perfect, the two or three elk eventually wandered past the guard rail and were positioned perfectly with the river and mountains behind them.  This could've been one of those life shots all us photographer types dream of.  But it wasn't to be.  You see the side mirror?  See all those cars (and the semi!) behind us?  The semi was especially pissed-off to be stopped.  And Bill was certainly NOT supportive of me stopping for photos, given that although there was a fairly wide shoulder, we could still get scraped into the guard rail if someone behind us screwed up as they went past.  So, despite the potential, I was lucky to even get THIS!

 My gorgeous river!  And a very cool sky!

 Look at that knife-edge mountain ridge!!!

 This is a very weird-cool lake!  It's called Medicine Lake, and it fills up with snowmelt but then drains away!  So, depending on when you visit, it could be full or empty!

 This sheep says..."I know you're over there!"

 "Peekaboo!  I see you!"

 None of us were too sure of her intentions, but it turned out she was just scamming food.  Too bad.  Really a shame to have so many people obviously feeding her and teaching her very bad habits!

 Which we could see she was passing on to her offspring, who paid no attention to the danger of cars on the road, just following in Mom's footsteps...

Medicine "Lake" again.

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