Sunday, August 7, 2011

July 26 - Cascade Canyon hike

Oh boy, behind on blogging again!!!  I wouldn't get so behind so often if a) blogging was more fun than exploring, hiking, and photography and b) I didn't have to commit so much time to other things - groceries, vacuuming, laundry, cooking, finding our next place to live, and moving days - oh, and eating and sleeping...!  But here I am again, so let's finish up on the Tetons!

 On this Tuesday, I planned on hiking a popular trail in the Grand Teton National Park.  So, while I was at it, I figured I might as well also get up early and try for the Oxbow Bend shot again.  Unfortunately, the clouds and sun did not cooperate for a grand photo, once again.  But it was pretty anyways.

Then, on to Mormon Row.  First, a stop to revisit the flowers.  It was amazing to see how fast the blooms had come and gone!

 But there were still enough for photos if you pointed it the right way!

 One of the famous Mormon barns.

 And another, less photographed, one that I like just as well.

 One of their cool visitor centers.

The Cascade Canyon hike could be started at the south end of Jenny Lake, or you could take a boat ride over to the western shore and shave about 4 miles off the roundtrip mileage - hmm, guess which way I chose!  Yep, the boat ride was fun too!

 After visiting the crowded Hidden Falls and Inspiration Point stops, the trail did indeed enter a canyon -  impressive rock walls and peaks on both sides. 

 From written, on-line descriptions, I had been led to believe that once past the two main attractions, the hiker density of this trail would drop significantly.  Not so!!!  That was, to be honest, the worst part of this trail.  I love to get into nature for the solitude, the quiet beauty and peace.  I had also brought my bear spray along, just in case some of the more aggressive or hungry natural beauty came after me.  What a joke!  Completely unnecessary!!  No self-respecting bear would visit this trail during the summer!!  I don't think there was ever a time when I could look in front of, or behind, me and not see people!  And I ended up taking lots of group photos for folks - and some returned the favor.

Some gorgeous water in the Cascade Creek!

 And this water is COLD!  It ended up being a much hotter day than forecast, and apparently I wasn't the only one whose radiator was running low.  I saw some brave people go completely underwater here - but they popped out pretty quick too!  All I did was wade in and get my hair wet (and fill water bottles - I didn't filter or treat the water, it was flowing fast and was a good water year - and I did just fine), and my feet were killing me from the cold within seconds!

 Some peaks on the Teton side, but I'm not sure which peak is which.  Potentials would be the Grand Teton, Mt. Owen, and Teewinot Mtn.

 Most Teton columbines I saw were white, but here is one that is light lemon and pale peach.

 The hike out.

 More pretty water views.  OK, here I have to mention the bears again - and the moose.  I did not see a single one of either animal!  But I heard from other hikers that they had "just seen one 20 minutes up the trail," etc.  A lot of good that did me!  Bum luck on the animal sightings!

 And this water did serve as a lifesaver on my way out.  Getting cooled off and rehydrated made a new woman out of me - well, almost!  At least it helped me limp out the last few miles.  This hike was longer than I'd gathered.  About 9 miles and 2000' gain.  Next time, I'd better pay more attention to those logistical details!

 The view back over Jenny Lake, looking east from above the boat dock.

A cute critter on my way back - a golden mantle squirrel - stuffing his cheeks with grass seed or some such.  This was my BIG animal sighting for the day...!! 

And with this, we will conclude our chapter on the Tetons.  It's been a fabulous stay in a truly gorgeous place.

But one final note...or one final rant...!?!  About that new bike path they're putting in at the park?  I stopped and asked someone in the know.  $20 million.  Money well-spent????  During these times?!!  From federal grants, most notably Obama's reinvestment and recovery stimulus dollars...  Hmmm, I think most of you already know how I probably view this...

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