Wednesday, December 21, 2011

MERRY MERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ladies and gentlemen, we interrupt our local programming to give you this news bulletin:

It's almost Christmas!!!!

Yikes!!  And if you're anything like me, you may not have (a) "finished shopping," (b) sent cards, or (c) decked the halls yet (well, actually, I have done that part, as I'll soon show you)!  But, if you are like me, you have a blog, so at least you can use this venue to wish everyone a
Very Merry Christmas and  Many Blessings in the New Year!!!!

 And to set the mood, and the scene, here's some wintery weather in...yes, San Diego!  We had a little storm about a week ago.  It really didn't drop any snow in our cute little mountain town of Julian, and I almost gave up and turned around there.  But I'm sure glad I continued on to Mt. Laguna!  It was truly a Winter Wonderland and still snowing even!  And better yet - a weekday!  So I only had to share the place with a few other snow-loving souls - not the madding and maddening crowds one almost always finds here on snowy weekends!  While I'm pretty sure I wouldn't want to live in it, I LOVE to spend a day in it now and then!  So here are a few of my favorite shots.  I hope they will help you feel the magic and beauty - and maybe even the serenity?! - of the season.

And a few other scenes...of the Barton Clan and their decked yurt halls!   :)

 (no, this is not in the yurt!  But these are the Bartons!  well, two of them anyways...)

 A Merry Moo comes a-visiting!

 Good Morning Missus Moo!

 Tracky helps with the papering... (he's the "Wrap Star" from afar!)

 Ouraydog & SenecaAnne dutifully pose (for the millionth time!)...

And yes, the Christmas Pteranodon flies again!

 (had to do something to cover up the swamp cooler!  :)

 And up on the rooftop...  Our cats love to hang out on the tops of our walls (...and jump down on top of us on the bed at night...and yes, Tractor IS walking through each of the bigger baskets!  His favorite basket and sleeping perch used to be the basket with the green ribbon...until they fell down, basket and all!  Now?  Not so much...!  But it's still fun surveying the kingdom from up there!).

And here's Scratty, curled up in HER favorite basket, which is on the other (kitchen) wall (I have to get up on top of the bed to get these photos - the cats really do enjoy looking down on the rest of us!).  

So there you have it - the Christmas scene at the Barton yurt.  
Glad tidings and comfy baskets to all, and to all a good night!

Bill, Carrie, Ouray, Seneca, Tractor, & Scratty!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sept. 28 - Fort Steele

Fort Steele was an old gold rush town, now a historic site and popular tourist destination.

 This barbershop sure gives you the feeling you're in the wild west, doesn't it?  Civilized but wild!

And for those of you who might be feeling a little overwhelmed at times, just think - this could be parked outside, waiting for your attention 24/7!

 Now, if you're anything like me, this sight scares you!  Why?  Because it's a dental chair!  Similar, of course, to the electric chair...!!!!

 I guess they tried to distract with music?  While they ripped your teeth out...?!

 "Painless Dentristy" my a**!!!!  Even today, with all the meds and tools, it's still not painless!  Obviousy, MUCH better, but not quite painless...

 A drugstore - with cameras!

 And inside the schoolroom...

Yes, God save the Queen.  And the best part:  a child should "behave mannerly at the table, at least as far as he is able."

 32 ft diameter water wheel used in the mining process.

 A lass from the early days sits outside the Lambi house (built in 1935 by a Finnish dude and housing up to 10 people during the Depression) entertains visitors, including this happy little fellow.

Just as if truly returned from the past, here she is again, haunting the kitchen!