Thursday, September 29, 2011

Tidbit 3: Roadside bear - but not in the park!

I actually read a thing somewhere that told people they really shouldn't stop for roadside animals, esp. bears.  I can understand trying not to habituate them by doing such totally stupid things as getting too close or worse, yet, feeding them!  I can understand the need to properly park your car, even through all the excitement and chaos involved with these sightings - blocking traffic is a no-no, rude, and unsafe!!!  BUT...I can't understand not stopping!  And neither can anyone else!  (except for a few locals who get to see them all the time and mostly just get pissed at us looky-lou tourists!)  So when I noticed this one car, pulled over on the side of the road, I had to at least glance over in the direction they were looking as I drove by...  Yeah, quick U-turn and park, get the long lens on, and hope the bear is still there!  He was!  And he hung out long enough for all 600 of us (well it seemed like that many - probably was only 20 or 30 when it was all said and done...) to see him!  And no, he wasn't IN the park.  He was on the road TO the park.  Guess he didn't care - he was where the berries were!

Isn't he cute?!  And so well-behaved.  He just kept eating - exactly what he's supposed to be doing.  And mostly, the people behaved.  Although a few of them probably should've stayed farther back (no, I wasn't one of them - I was in the second tier of folks...).

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