Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 1 - Driving to Bishop

Howdy! Well, here we go! At long last - on another RVing trip! Not to Alaska, as originally planned, but hopefully up to WY, MT, Alberta and BC, and then back through WA and OR before landing home again in Nov. or Dec. So come join us (same actors as before: Bill, Carrie, Ouraydog, Senny, Tractor, & ScrattyCatty) for some mild and wild adventures! And I am going to give daily blogging a serious try this time, so just see if you can keep up!

We got an early start (for us - 6am), trying unsuccessfully to beat the heat (90s) for our last preparations. We were out of the yurt and down to the RV by about 8:30 and on the 15 freeway, heading north, by about 11am. Then a very pleasant drive up the 395 to Bishop. It was so pretty and cloudy out, that with the A/C on, it was easy to mistakenly think it was cool outside - until you looked at the outside air indicator!! Well, actually, it was cooler with the clouds - only 87, instead of the 100 degrees in the straight sunshine! So here's a shot of Mt. Whitney. And because it's so hard to pick out, the editor has graciously placed an arrow (and hopes she did really pick the right peak! She should do - she's been on it a couple times). Kind of sad that it looks so diminutive when it's our tallest US outside of Alaska's peaks!

The Owens Valley. The Great Basin sage is looking fabulous this year, after all the rain and snow. Please forgive the yucky quality of these photos though... I fiddled with some settings on my camera and don't care for the effects! Let's hope I can figure out how to change them back!

Lovely storm clouds!! It only rained on us a teeny bit, but we loved it all the same!

And OK, we'll end with the "Picture of the Day," shall we? Yeah, well, what a touching moment, eh? Or rude moment?! All depends. I guess if you're furry enough, this is considered just downright friendly! So, yes, Scratty made friends at this rest stop...

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