Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Aug. 28 - Mid-day at Iceberg Lake

So...time for a hike!  To Iceberg Lake, another one of the most popular trails in Glacier.  It is pretty neat, and I'm glad I did it.

 It didn't hurt my enjoyment level to get to see this guy on the way up - my first moose sighting of the trip!!!!

 It was just a bummer that he wouldn't ever entirely come out of the bushes and trees.  But it was wonderful to get to see him, period!  Now, Bill and I know moose DO exist!  We weren't too sure before...!!!  They seemed more mythological...

 I have to say this trail is really pretty.  It reminded me of my favorite trail in Colorado!!

 An incredible patch of wildflowers!  (and a small lake in the background - Iceberg is still coming up)

 Mas flores!

Pretty purple aster type.  Whatever it is, it sure is pretty!  And it's all over the Colorado Rockies too, so of course it's a favorite of mine!

 There it is!  All that white?  That's the lake.  More of it coming up.

 Hmm, somebody investigating my camera pack.  Gotta watch these guys!  They'll chew up and into your pack before you know it, in the hopes of finding goodies!  One squirrel even chewed through a chest strap on a backpack of mine - no food involved, must've just been good ol' salty sweat!?!

 May I introduce Mr. Golden Mantle Squirrel?

 And another goat, not in a parking lot!! 

This dude was up high on a scree hillside.  There was this one crazy French photographer guy who had scrambled way up this steep mountainside.  As he was coming down, he was heading the goat's way.  Those of us photographing the goat hollered at the guy to quit and desist, as the goat was making obvious signs of concern - tail up (no, he wasn't just unloading!), looking the guy's way, and...leaving!  The guy did quit, and the goat came back - yay!  I'm all for close-ups but NOT to the point where you seriously alter their behavior, esp. if they are eating/stocking up for winter, and you stop that!!!  Just think if everyone interrupted their eating that much that often!  They'd never get the amount they needed in time!  These critters eat non-stop for a reason!!!  OK, enough on that.  But more on the crazy French guy.  I'd just assume he was a crazy kindred photographer spirit, but he definitely was going above and beyond - literally, in the case of the hillside scramble.  But he also rolled up his pants and waded over knee-deep in the lake!!!  Yeah, standing in ICEBERG Lake!!!  Full of icebergs - the water's just a little chilly?  You get the picture!  I took off my shoes and soaked my tired tootsies for all of about 30 seconds before they started complaining!

 Indian Paintbrush.

 The lake.

 Touching the bergs.

 Heading back down.  Cool clouds.

Red dirt girl...

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